Welcome to The Tolerance Project Archive.
Eighty-six writers, artists and thinkers have donated their poetic DNA to what could be the first collaborative MFA in Creative Writing ever, The Tolerance Project. You’ll find each donor’s DNA trace under their name here. Each piece of poetic DNA has been assigned its own barcode.
Poems written for the MFA employ traces from the donated DNA traces. You’ll see the poetic DNA barcodes under the poems posted on The Tolerance Project blog. The MFA poems are restricted to The Tolerance Project Archive for their content.
You are more than welcome to use the comments field below to give constructive feedback on the poetic DNA, write a poem riffing off the traces, drum up a rant, a few anonymous swear words, and/or try to sell us something. We especially welcome your own poetic responses, because the collaboration wants and includes you.
For queries re The Tolerance Project, please contact The Tolerance Project.