John Stout
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Part two:
The Unfortunates
The Mezzanine
The City and The City
The People of Paper
The Blind Owl
The Ugly Man
Third installment:
Stimulus cash on its way
Harrowing 17-hour hijacking a hoax
19th-century president born in Canada? Smear campaigns arose way before
Spa of trouble for clumsy thief
Facebook status update: Privacy dispute is easing
How much is 3-month ordeal worth?
B.C.'s billboard beer ad falls flat for T.O. visitors
An ocean of questions as mystery ship docks
A 'first step' toward freedom
Suicide bombing rattles Russia
New fury over no-sex, no-food law
Visions for north are poles apart
Health czar urged for flu readiness
Hacker charged in big retail scam
The Arctic needs more than guns
Defective bank rules need to be replaced
Leave universal health care alone
Migrant worker misconceptions
No need for population growth
The real issue is book censorship
(=Selected headlines from Section A of the Toronto Star, Tuesday,
August 18,2009)
Fourth installment:
AMID the mystic fields of love
I wander'd, and beheld a grove.
Breathlessly still was part, and part
Was breathing with an easy heart;
And there below, in lamblike game,
Were virgins, all so much teh same,
That each was all. A youth drew nigh,
And on them gazed with wandering eye,
And woudl have pass'd, but that a maid,
Clapping her hands above her said,
"My time is now!' and laughing ran
After the dull and strange young man,
And bade him stop and look at her.
And so he call'd her lovelier
Than any else, only because
She only then before him was.
And while they stood and gazed, a change
Was seen in both, diversely strange:
The youth was ever more and more
That good which he had been before;
But the glad maiden grew and grew
Such that the rest no longer knew
Their sister, who was now to sight
The young man's self, yet opposite,
As the outer rainbow is the first,
But weaker, and the hues reversed.
And whereas, in the abandon'd grove,
The virgin round the Central Love
Had blindly circled in her play,
Now danced she round her partner's way;
And, as the earth the moon's, so he
Had the responsibility
Oh her diviner motion. 'Lo,'
He sang, and the heavens began to glow,
'The pride of personality,
Seeking its highest, aspires to die,
And, in unspeakably profound,
Humiliation Love is crown'd!'
- Coventry Patmore
(I've omitted the last few lines of this Victorian gem! -JS)