Reena Katz
dear mona and lori;
here we are an exile of
divided - a part strategies
empathy comes to mind, no ends
or lack thereof just means
other - self
i send you both good
i send you the burnt rulebook
of this endgame
and the love of our great tradition the love of our ancestors the ones running with their menorahs, the ones sitting with their clasped hands, the ones that gaze and gaze lost and bent over
who baked that challah?
and lit those candles?
it was me/you
who saw that underneath the black fire
there is the parchment itself?
and beyond the language of core value
and ish
(that code which remains inside like cancer organs)
there is the mother
she bursts like a ripe pomegranate
here's your piece, and mine.
here and here
marking the gateway to the holy of holies.
Tables, 22, 42-43, 80, 82, 109, 157, 166, 187
n.16; 189 n.25; dancing, 164, 168; din-
ing, 43, 80, 148 191 n.13; family, 173;
feminist, 61 - 62; as horizontal surface,
46, 49, 51, 90; Husserl's, 22, 38-33, 44,
50, 53, 55, 63, 87, 117, 188 n.23, 193 n.21;
as kinship object, 80-81; kitchen, 52,
57, 62, 80-81, 88; as objects in philoso-
phy, 3, 35, 37, 45, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 89,
116, 181 n.2, 182 n.3, 187 n.17; as sup-
porting device, 47, 166, 179; as tools,
45; turning, 63, 164; writing, II, 28-32,
35-37, 40, 43, 49-51, 55, 58-59, 62, 87;
queer, 36, 162, 164, 166-170, 179, 200
n.4; wedding, 201 n.7